Earlier this year Christian and I climbed the Großvenediger, by far the highest peak of all of Austrian’s beautiful county Salzburg. Don’t be fooled, it’s not the Mont Blanc, but it does have glaciers and rocks and all that. We proclaimed it as a preparation for Argentina’s famous Aconcagua[2] and started research on guided excursions a few months ago. Unfortunately, being the highest mountain of the American continent, it also turned out to be the pinnacle of expenses and very time-consuming. So we looked out for alternatives and soon stumbled over another possible superlative: the fairly unknown Marmolejo[3], being the … southernmost … 6000er … in … the … world!
Impressed? – We made sure we threw all our enthusiasm in! That said, we nearly cancelled it altogether two weeks before the start due to some ankle and knee business, but now we’re all geared up and ready to go. So stay tuned on our ascent of one of the world’s true giants.
[1] Sarcastic comment
[2] It’s that famous, even my spelling correction knows about it.
[3] 6109 metres to be precise.
Go Go Go for it.
Beste Grüße von Zuhause und ein frohes neues Jahr euch Weltenbummlern.
Die Bilder sind atemberaubend.
Besten Dank! Euch auch ein frohes Neues!
Bald kommen die Bilder vom Marmolejo, sind auch einige Schöne dabei.
Liebe Grüße