After all the multi-day treks I had done in New Zealand and Australia, I was keen to share the same experience with Dorit. This is the one we picked, known for being away from civilization, with peaks of up to 1756m. A three day hike over Sobo-san, Furosobo-san, Hontami-yama, Kasamatsu-yama and Katamuki-yama. We only met a few Japanese hikers and had the small camp-sites mostly for ourself. Yet the few people we met were keen on using their little English to chat with us.
We enjoyed vast views over green mountains, enriched with the cherry blossom that was in full swing at about 1500m in altitude. And while the second day was physically very demanding, a constant up and down of a never ending ridges, the third day (we left at sunrise) was exceptionally beautiful and rewarding.