I’m finally on the train back to Germany and I’m looking back on the last days after we left the cape. There was a distinct lack of motivation and also Simon didn’t feel very well and so we advanced slowly. In the morning of the fourth day Simon and I split up again, this time for good. He was going to take the plane from Luleå and me the train from Kiruna and so we both left in a different direction.
With the lack of motivation, I decided to rebook my train to an earlier date to set myself under pressure and finish the remaining 460km as quickly as I could. And as I advanced, this felt like exactly the right decision. The scenery in northern Finland and Sweden looked rather dull compared to the Norwegian coast and so I didn’t feel like stopping a lot to take photos. Also the amount of mosquitoes made every single break very unpleasant as I was constantly fighting to keep my face and my hands free of bites. Only the tent helped.
And so I set a new personal record of 142km on the first day, another record of 163km on the second day and cycled the remaining 156km to Kiruna the third day. In Kiruna I had found a couchsurfing host and enjoyed a full day with him in this sleepy mining town, organised a bicycle cardboard box and disassembled my bicycle to be allowed to take it on the Swedish railways.
The train journey took me on a sleeper train to Stockholm, then to Copenhagen, from there to Hamburg and finally to my father’s place near Elmshorn. 34 hours to relax, enjoy some movies, write blog articles and meet lots of friendly people.