Cycling Berlin - North Cape

The German Pessimist

Oder: Das Jahr in dem der Golfstrom versagte… Und von allen Himmelsrichtungen strömten die Reisenden herbei und brachten gute Nachrichten über herrlich sommerliches Wetter, ob in Schweden, Deutschland, Frankreich, sogar Süd-Norwegen, überall war tolles Wetter. Und selbst auf den Lofoten wurde von einem herrlich sonnigen Mai berichtet. Der Wetterbericht deutet seit Tagen auf trockenes Wetter hin, doch hier sitzen wir wie jeden Morgen und starren bei 5-8 Grad auf Wasser-vergießende Wolkenmassen.

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Cycling Berlin - North Cape

We won a medal!

  Today we arrived at Bodø, the next milestone of our trip and received a medal for competing in the Midnattsolrittet bicycle race. A race? Yes, we didn’t plan on participating and we weren’t in it officially. But after we had done already about 65km of our route to Bodø a few racebikes started overtaking us. They became more and more and at some point I decided to keep up with a few of them.…

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Cycling Berlin - North Cape

Grey and lonely days in Norway

Two weeks ago I split up from Simon. It’s only temporary, we will meet up again in Trondheim, but I decided to do so since my Achilles tendon didn’t get much better and also since I knew the roads via Kristiansund already. So instead I took the more direct way to Trondheim, on my own, which is a completely new experience for me. And it has been a wonderful experience with some pretty dark moments…

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Cycling Berlin - North Cape

The breakfast invitation and a can deposit competitor

After passing over the snowy heights of Valdresflya I arrived in a little town called Vågåmo. I carried two bags full of cans with me as the road down from the mountain pass had been very rich in valuable trash. But unfortunately I hadn’t considered that it was Whitsunday and all supermarkets were closed. The same applied for the next day and I was already very short on food. So along the E6 highway I…

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Cycling Berlin - North Cape

Keeping warm in a varmestugu

After a very cold night in my tent in Beitostølen, I was excited to start my trip over the Valdresflya pass at 1400m. The sun was out and it seemed like a promising day, yet the road kept being closed the whole day. The recent snowfall and some avalanches caused by some heavy winds made the roads impassable. I was very set up and worried of a second cold night up in Beitostølen and so…

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