
Discovering Madeira on a Mountain Bike

It’s been 20 fabulous months, but now my travelling time is over. I’m back in Chambéry, trying to get my own game projects going, working from home. It can’t be without some smaller trips though and so Christian and I decided to do a mountain biking trip in November. Since the weather is not that stable in central Europe at this time of the year, we started searching elsewhere. Corsica, Mallorca, the Canaries? Could we…

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Climbing the Großvenediger – well amost

Christian (a long-time friend of mine) and I have set goal: we want to climb the highest peak of America. With 6,960m not one of the world’s highest and apparently also one of the easier peaks, but for us still an impressive task. So we set out to climb a 4000m peak in the Alps to see if it’s something we are physically up to and if we actually enjoy it. On our only available…

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Megametropolis Shanghai

A rather short stay of 72h in this 30 million megametropolis. I mostly came to visit my cousin Kirsten and her lovely family plus Zino, a French friend living in Shanghai since many years now. Not much sightseeing, rather some quality time with those people, including some great chinese food. Yet I managed to take a few nice skyline photos, see for your self. What was frightening me is that even from the 91 floor…

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Almost there!

Yes, my sabbatical is approaching quickly. My last day of work: 20/12/1013. My first destination: Capetown / South Africa. Take-off: 14/01/2014. I will use this website to post photos and stories about my adventures, to update my beloved ones, my friends and anybody interested in my whereabouts. So far I have created an overview of the destinations I have planned to visit: [nwm_map height=”620″]

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